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Friday, April 24, 2009

COMBA Attends PLAN Jeffco's Annual Dinner with County Commissioners

What is PLAN Jeffco?

PLAN Jeffco began with a grassroots effort of passionate people with a clear vision: to increase, preserve and protect Jefferson County parklands. In 1972 that cause was fortunately led by Carol Karlin, an active member of the League of Women Voters. Through her and the tireless efforts of many devoted colleagues, on November 7, 1972 County voters approved the purchase of land and properties with historical value, and Jefferson County Open Space ("JCOS") was essentially born.

Today, PLAN Jeffco thrives as an influential volunteer group dedicated to acting as a watchdog for Open Space. It has a managing Board of 13 Directors with 70 members. PLAN Jeffco provides comment on projects, reviews plans, and makes recommendations for property acquisition.

PLAN Jeffco's Annual Dinner

On April 23, 2009 PLAN Jeffco held their annual dinner with the County Commissioners, the Open Space Advisory Committee ("OSAC"), and open space staff at the Mount Vernon Country Club.

The dinner's historical focus celebrated the County's 150 anniversary. Dr. Tom Noel, Professor of History at the University of Colorado Denver, spoke on The Historical Importance of Jefferson County Open Space, showcasing contemporary and historic photos of the area.

COMBA in Attendance

As supporters and partners of PLAN Jeffco, COMBA celebrated the County's dedication to Open Space by presenting a plaque of appreciation to Ralph Schell, Director of Open Space, for the program's stewardship of the land and commitment to Shared Use.

COMBA President Terry Breheny (l) presents plaque to Ralph Schell (r), Director of Jefferson County Open Space

The Key to Success: Public Representation and Involvement

PLAN Jeffco's success comes from a clear vision, active participation by committed members, and effective, consistent, and organized public representation. PLAN Jeffco makes their ideas considered, concerns known, voices heard, and changes made by maximizing their exposure through multiple avenues of public influence and communication.

As part of those efforts, PLAN Jeffco attends every OSAC meeting open to the public. Following this lead, COMBA will do the same — our purpose to stay aware of Committee discussions, report items of interest to our members, and act faithfully in our community's best interest.

COMBA Needs You

An important aspect of this process will be making our community's presence consistently known to Open Space officials. COMBA is therefore requesting members to attend OSAC meetings with us. Making the many faces of County cyclists and residents familiar to Open Space managers will send a message of community involvement and unity, an important asset for our user group.

OSAC meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Open Space Building at 700 Jefferson County Parkway in Golden.

If you are a mountain biker who is interested and available to attend OSAC meetings with us from time to time, please send an email to so that our representation can be coordinated and maximized. Your participation is needed, and greatly appreciated!

Thank you PLAN Jeffco!

Were it not for the vision and commitment of Carol Karlin and so many of her devoted colleagues in the 1970s, the parks we cherish today would simply not exist. With deep gratitude and utmost respect, COMBA sincerely thanks PLAN Jeffco for its incredible achievements, remarkable vision, commitment to the community, and warm welcome of our user group.

COMBA looks forward to a fostering a strong partnership with PLAN Jeffco, and working together to create harmonious and abundant open space experiences for all.

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